
The New Plan, Update #6

OK. I am sore. I hurt. I went for a walk and didn't pay attention to the 20 minutes. I just walked. And I think it was closer to 30 minutes. Now my legs and hips hurt. Going up the stairs at the house is a tad bit painful. And I learned another lesson- do the whole workout at the same time. Yesterday I tried to to the strength training and then later go walk for my cardio..it was really, really hard to get myself up to go do the cardio. I was tired, it was cold out, I didn't want to bike, getting out the Wii was too hard, any excuse I could think of I did. But I am proud of myself- I got up, I got dressed, I got out, and I did it.

Today is arm and chest day. More push-ups- yay! But I think I will bike- different muscles than walking- give myself a break.

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