
Musikfest Day 3

Well there was a little burst of liquid sunshine right as the event opened, but it blew through really fast and not too furiously. The ducks in the creek came up behind my tent to take shelter from the storm. I got to take a few cool pictures, but forgot to bring my camera home so I could upload them! So I guess I will share those tomorrow.

The afternoon's sales for me were terrific. I  had a lot of fun talking with everyone. It was my favorite pace of show, busy enough that I don't get a chance to stop, but slow enough that I can really stop and have conversations with everyone and catch up with people I only see once a year.

I also have to take the time and thank everyone who comes out each year to support me. I cannot thank you enough. I love the fact that not only do you come back, but you very often tell me about it, and tell other's in the booth about how much you like my products. It really helps make a new sale when someone who has "been buying for years" chimes in about how you get soap from me every year. I love how the energy in the booth is so positive and uplifiting. If you all didn't share your energy with me I wouldn't have the energy to particpate in a show this long or hot. I do all of this all because of you!

Then the rain came again. It was a little longer this time. I was very disappointed in seeing how many people left for the day at this time. It is very hard to be in the back of the show and have so many people right at the main entrance are closed. It does not make the area look enticing at all. Once we reopened after the rains passed I had another hour or so of good sales and then the night just wound down.

I have to vent a little. What is the deal with vendors who feel they need to light incense in their booths when they don't sell incense?? It makes me so sick, plus it ruins my fragrances. I don't put up jewelry, or clothes, or paintings in my booth, why do they not realize what you are doing is impacting me?? Honestly all I think when I smell it is you are smoking pot and trying to cover it up like a college kid(any maybe you are...). I think shows should have a no incense rule just like no pets and no alchohol. (not like either are enforced even if the rule exists). OK, I am done. I needed to get that off my chest. Thanks for listening. 

OK, it is getting late. need to stop at the bank for change and pack my lunch before I head over to the show! Love you all and see you soon!

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