
Musikfest Day 9 August 11, 2007

It was surprising to me that Saturday’s sales were not as good as Fridays. Still, the second weekend this year was defiantly the stronger one for me by a long shot, and that isn’t even thinking of Sunday. The weather was just beautiful, the sun was out there was a slight breeze and the humidity was almost bearable.

Like other days I started out catching up on my reading, just a few dozen magazines to go before I have them all finished. I have learned quite a few interesting things, from some new recipes to try, to some new ways of getting funding and loans. I have quite a list of things to research and I really hope that one day I can get to them all. I need to start researching one thing a week and try and get through the pile I have.

I am sorry to say that the show itself was uneventful. I knitted, K knitted, and we sold soap when people came by the booth. C was supposed to be over early in the afternoon, but locked himself out of the house while mowing the lawn. He had to break in and then clean up his mess, and then ponder exactly how to fix what he had broken to gain entry. It is good to know that our home isn’t exactly the easiest to break into. I guess that deters the more honest and more stupid thieves.

I was happy that I got 10 washcloths knitted so far. I had a goal of 150 for the year and now only have 30 more to go. Once I finish these I have 50+ more bath mitts to go before my goal is reached there. But I had expected that it would take me until October to finish and it looks like these may be the one thing that I actually get done on schedule this year. Then I’ll start knitting next year’ stash- I’ll probably need 200 of each I am sure.
So as the show winds down my list of things to do grows, more and more boxes of soap are empty, meaning I need to get on the ball and get soap made, as well as boxes of lotion bars and bath fizzys, all empty. It’s a good thing, it means sales are brisk, but I really didn’t expect to be so far into my inventory so early in the season. It also looks like I have a sure winner on my hands, it looks like my new fragrance Red Clover & Tea is popular and will be carried into my regular line next year. I already need to make more, lots more. I actually won’t have it on hand for a few shows in September at this rate

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