
Dad Update- 11

I think the nights are the worst. Poor dad has always been one of those people who can't sit in one position for a long time without getting painfully stiff, painfully bored, and painfully cranky. Last night was a lot like the evening before the colonoscopy but without the passing out on the bathroom floor. Taking his meds without food brought on some nausea, and trying to get out of bed was so painful that in itself brought on some nausea. I was once again reminded exactly why I wish to be child-free- this getting up every two hours is for the birds. Laying there is bed he got stiff and sore, and then trying to get out of bed made him even more sore. After about 4 am we both finally got a few good hours of sleep and around 6 am got him out of bed and into a comfortable chair in the living room. I just couldn't sleep, I think it was the maternal, listening for sounds, for your name, or for that tell tale *thump* of passing out that keeps you suspended in a Zen like meditative trance rather than in a state of true deep sleep. There are portions of the evening that I know I only closed my eyes for 20-30 minutes, but I came to in a hyper awake, adrenaline filled state. This morning almost feels like a low. My eyes are sore, my body is tired, but my mind is awake and alert. Strange…

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