
Dad Update- 10

Dad is home from his hernia surgery. The whole thing took about 5 hours from the time we arrived to the hospital to the time he was discharged to come home. Right now he's not in much pain, although that may have to do with the two Percocet he has been given. But the doctor said that the procedure went well, dad had no ill after effects from the anesthesia, and he's already had a bowl of soup since I got him home. He's not allowed to drive until the 15th and is supposed to keep the area iced (1/2 hour on and ½ hour off) during the day for the next week. Keeping the swelling down helps the healing from what I've been told, also, the least amount of swelling now in the first few days the less swelling and pain after he gets up on his feet again. We'll spend the rest of today watching DVD's- probably some CSI's and some of Ken Burn's Jazz documentary.

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