
Set up is tomorrow

And I am doing GREAT!! My tummy is all better and I have lots of energy. C is helping by doing lots of the the shop dishes- cleaning molds and such, dad is cleaning the downstairs bathroom and wrapped fizzys for me, and I have made two batches of soap and gotten everything ready for the few things I need to do in the shop tomorrow morning.

Lots of laundry to do and cleaning yet. But I am blogging because it is on my list f things to do and I want stuff CROSSED OFF ASAP!!

Once I get done here it is on to vacuum the living room, moping, and cleaning the upstairs bathroom. Finishing the laundry, including the shop towels and the sofa covers, and then getting some packages together that need to be sent out.

Then on to pack the van and Jeep and truck for tomorrow. It will take us at least three cars to get most of the inventory and displays over to the show. A lot of this is lighting, rugs, and decorations that I don't use for any other shows but this one. Once noon hits tomorrow we are setting up as much as possible, that way we can relax Wednesday night and Thanksgiving as much as we can.

I feel good. Very accomplished and proud of myself. I have pushed hard and I have gotten a lot of work done and things prepared. I don't feel as behind as I have in previous years and I feel like I have done all I can in most areas. It is what it is.

Anyway, I'll update again tomorrow after set up, maybe with a few photos:)

1 comment:

David said...

have a good show!