
Finally.. Bath Fizzys

I finally got to making bath fizzys. I have always hated the process, but it wasn't so bad yesterday. It was sort of zen like. I would mix two batches of ingredients, and then bang out almost 30 of them, then go back and mix two more batches of ingredients. In between I would stir soap and pour it into molds. my feet hurt more than anything because of having to stand for so long, but I got 3 (almost 4) fragrances done. That still leaves me about 800 or so to make, but I still have about a week to go, so they all should be done, no problem!

I have these great tins that I am trying to decide what to do with. At first I was thinking fizzing bath salts- sort of like a combo of bath salts and bath fizzys, but then I thought they could be used to hold fizzys like a gift set. But then again three lotion bars fit as well... not sure what I will do here...

The good thing is that I feel as though I have lots to do, but I am not overwhelmed. I was a few days ago, and even yesterday I had a stomach ache that just wouldn't let up. But now I am feeling like I have a handle on things and that it is what it is. There is just not more time or hours in the day. Just gotta do what I can and be happy with it.

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