
4 very busy days...

The 19th I had lunch with B. It was our last lunch of the year and we went over all the things we had accomplished during the year. Even with our busy schedules we still accomplished so much and came so far within this past year. I am very proud of us both. Then I drove to my mom's and cooked dinner.

Friday was a day with mom, it was restful and rejuvenating for me. It was just running around, having breakfast, and watching movies. I got to see my nephew for a little while. Such a cutie he is!

Saturday I had a home show at Becky M's. It went wonderfully! I hadn't done a home show in a while and I felt rusty and scared. It was great to jump in with a small group of ladies and in a place where I felt so comfortable and wanted. It went very well and I was extremely pleased with the entire adventure. After the home show I drove back home and dove into bed for a long night's sleep.

Today, Sunday, is one of the last days I can work in the shop before Christkindlmart starts. I made both lemongrass soap and bath fizzys. I usually go by my production schedule, but these last few days I am going with my gut and making whatever I think is going to sell.

I am worried about the set up later this week and don't feel ready. But I have to remind myself that I really have two days plus Friday morning to get things perfect. I am worried about lighting since I need to get all new lights and i am worried about floor covering, because I think I need some new rugs. I also am worried that some of the displays will fall into the background and I am not sure how I am going to bring attention to them. This summer I bought some great bath themed things that I hope to use in the display and make it more whimsical than usual.

There is still lots to do but I feel like I can get it done. Whew, wasn't sure it would happen!

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