
Rejuvenation, I needs it...

Yesterday was Rejuvenation day. It is always one of my best sellers so I made as much as I could before running out of essential oil.

Dad and I also worked on sachets. Just a few more hours and we should be done with them for this year. They are like laundry- I have some to make every week and I tend to let them all pile up till the end of the year and then have thousands to make all at once. I should try and stay up on them throughout the year, and last year I vowed, and failed, to do this. I think in 2010 I will designate a sachet day each month where I will get them worked on and nothing else, maybe that will help.

Hopefully next week I can start making bath fizzys. I have tons to make and wrap. Luckily these are something I can easily make during the days I have off during Christkindlmart. Now wanting to make them is a whole nother story...

I have a new show this weekend. I really hope it is as nice as it seems to be. The November Sale takes place in a renovated barn and is only a small number of crafters (like 10 or so) that have been hand chosen by a local glass artisan. The quality of the work should be exceptional and I am really hoping that the turn out is great. I have gotten quite a few hits on the site from my newsletter, so I want to see some friendly faces!! But I have a back up plan if it is slow- I have some more face scrubbers to finish and I should be able to get some work done on the web site as well. Can't take the chance of wasting time right now with so much to do.

Well it is 6 am. Time to finish today's To Do List and go and do some morning yoga. Then a few things in the shop, and off to set up for the show.

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