
The days are flying by- 15 to go...

Tuesday have been odd for me the last few weeks. I have been taking B to an afternoon Dr apt and then we have lunch and assess our goals for the week. So what has been happening is that Tuesday becomes sort of a day off, or a me day depending on the week. I really like this as it gives me some time to re-energize, but I have had Monday to get a load of things off my mind and done, so I really can enjoy the day.

Yesterday while I was gone dad finished up some laundry for me- I had to wash my table covers because at the last show someone let their dog with muddy feet put them on my table, so I had paw prints everywhere. He also finished washing my tent sides so they are clean and ready for next year. And shop towels wee washed- I always have lots of dirty shop towels that need a good washing.

In the morning I got some paperwork done and I started cleaning my bathroom, since we will have a guest soon. I got my jewelry box uncluttered and in order. It was driving me nuts having to search for earrings. I also got the layout for Chriskindlmart finished. I have some idea what tables I want to go where, now all I have to do is try and figure out display locations. And of course this will probably all change the moment I get into the space, but at least it gives me a place to start and idea of what size rug I need to buy.

Then it was off to the Dr, and lunch. On the way home I meant to run errands, but it was already getting dark out and I just wanted to go home. So i picked up the mail and wandered home, for the errands will be taken care of later.

By now it was 4 pm. I checked emails, did a few things for dad, and started making my list of things to do for the next day. I got the last of my lotion bar containers into the storage box they belong in, giving me more floor room in the shop, and started making sachets. By 8 I was tired, and decided to go upstairs and watch SYTYCD. I was asleep by 9 and didn't wake up till 2:30 which is a long stretch of sleep for me, I usually wake up 4-5 times a night. Maybe I am finally de-stressing a little? Doubt it :)

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