
I think I need another blog...

really... I'll call it.."All but 6" and keep it private so no one can read it but me. I feel sometimes with the onslaught of technology that I don't have a place that I can truly vent about anything. This blog is a mix of personal and professional and certainly isn't the place to rant...I have great friends on Ravelry, but it is a public forum and not the place to complain about anyone in any way you wouldn't want them to read, and facebook certainly is the LAST place to air one's dirty laundry.

Of course I have friends in real life to complain and vent to.. but I find getting things down on "paper" cathartic. I just spew my anger, jealously, envy, and hate, letting it all get out of me, leaving me ready to really think and feel what should be thought and felt- and done- and said (or not said). A way to tell a true friend is that they know when to keep their mouth shut- and sometimes that means getting what you are really thinking out in ways other than through your lips. Because we all know that words (or lack of them) hurt and stay in ways that never fade....

BTW- the "all but 6" is a reference to a somewhat vulgar saying that in essence means you need only 6 close people in your life (enough to carry your casket when you are dead) and the rest can think what they wish about you...

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