
I am having a day

The list of things going on in my head is too much today. It is driving me crazy. I can not focus and I can not stop it. Currently my living room is a mess- with furniture half moved around, and ideas for a redesign on hold till C gets home and can tell me if it seems like a good idea or not.

I bought a new desk calandar- each day has enough room for me to put in 17 things to do. So I am trying to stick to that- breaking large tasks into smaller ones and not getting overwhelemed. But as I do one thing the list grows and grows. As I cleaned this morning now I have to buy batteries for the remote... It is like the list never diminshes, it only changes.

And I am not helping myself. I want to take the business in a new direction and this is driving me nuts. I feel like it should be ironed out and changed by now- but I have to remind myself that this is a process, that this year is to grown and change over the course of the year, that I can not accomplish my goal in just a few weeks. I guess I need to break that down into smaller peices to swallow too.

I think I am going to go sit in the hot tub and close my eyes. Maybe when I reopen them I will be in a better frame of mind. Wish me luck.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

courage - fuyons!
just kidding
sounds like you'r doing all the right things (breaking down into small steps to focus on, bubble bathing when it's too much...) but i understand how you feel. hope it gets better. big hugs