
Philadelphia Folk Festival- Day 3

Another day filled with rain, thunder, and lightening. It really put a damper on the day's sales but the people who were left seemed to be having fun despite the weather.

I got kinda bummed about it partway through the day, and really didn't look forward to packing in the rain or the extra work today getting everything dried out and washed off- again. I am really glad I don't have a show fro a month (dad has a few) and I need the recuperation time mentally more than physically.

Right as we began to pack the rain stopped! Halleluiah! So although we had to dolly or carry everything out (or wait hours to bring our van in), and this meant going through puddles of standing water and 3 inches of mud in some places, we at least didn't have to get soaked to the skin doing it!

We got everything in the van, the van got out without getting stuck (that even impressed C) and we were on our way home in about an hour and a half. We didn't even rush or get crazy trying to do it either. We got home, peeled the muddy shoes from our feet and jumped in a shower.

So today is clean up and catch up day. Make soap, clean the tent, catch up on paperwork. Off I go!!

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