
Couch to 5K week 3 Day 1

Not bad for my first try at this weeks intervals. I can now say for certain that the hills are what make my shin hurt, as now that I am done, it has a dull ache, where all last week on the relatively flat road I had no pain at all. Probably something to do with using different muscles on hills so I am not worried about it anymore.

Intervals are as follows:
Walk 5 min
Run 90 sec, walk 90 sec
Run 3 min, walk 3 min
Run 90 sec, walk 90 sec
Run 3 min
Walk 5 min

I ran the first interval.. no problem, easy peasy....
I ran the second interval... YES I RAN 3 minutes without stopping and didn't pass out or puke at the end of it. I actually threw my hands up in the air Rocky style when I finished it!
I ran 80/90 seconds of the third interval. But I know I can do this one now no problem.
Then the hill.....and I walked...all of the rest.....I am so disappointed in myself. I could have run at least some of the last interval, but I didn't even try. I psyched myself out over the hill. It may be time to change my route a little and see if that helps me out of my funk...

But just a few days ago I didn't think three minutes was even possible, and now I did it on my first try. I know I can finish this week and go onto week four, I just know it is possible now.

The bad news is that even with all this exercise, all this eating right, I haven't lost anything the last two weeks.. nothing... the scale is exactly where it was two weeks ago. That is depressing me and frustrating me. I haven't wanted or expected much, but I was hoping to have lost a few pounds just so I could get under the 170 mark. But nothing... Guess I gotta keep going and keep trying...God I wish I was 10 years younger, I could just look at a treadmill and loose weight...

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

YES I RAN 3 minutes without stopping and didn't pass out or puke at the end of it. I actually threw my hands up in the air Rocky style when I finished it!

roflol - i did that too, with a whoop for effect and then looked around to make sure iwas alone lol!

Then the hill.....and I walked...all of the rest.....I am so disappointed in myself.

dont be disappointed with yourself! you rock!!!!!!!! look at what you're doing!
make sure you have a really good pumping song on for the hill maybe?

The bad news is that even with all this exercise, all this eating right, I haven't lost anything the last two weeks

man! i dont even want to go there! my ww has gone the way of the coocoo birds :(
but for you, you know you might have put on muscle which weighs more than fat. how are your clothes fitting? dont sweat it either way, just keep living healthy and it will all be good in the end. why cant i tell myself that ;P