
Working from home is routine

For me working from home is all based on routine. I get up at a certain time, I start my day at a certain time, I finish at a certain time, so I have time for dinner and life. So many small things can set my routine out of whack, but I feel like a routine is something to strive for. On a perfect day it all goes according to plan, and all other days, routine is just a set of guidelines to rely on when you are so overwhelmed you don't know where to start.

I clean my house on a routine. First, in the beginning of the year, each room is thoroughly cleaned. I take a little time each day and clean that room all week. Any big projects are ignored and put on a to do later list. Once each room is cleaned and de-cluttered, the house is divided into zones. Since we live in a split level I divide my home into: Living level, sleeping level, dad's level, workshop level, and attic level. Then each week a level is cleaned, straightened, and any large projects begin to be conquered one by one. For example, next week is the living level- living room, dining room, and kitchen. All will be vacuumed, dusted, mopped, and generally straightened- but this time I will also clean the refrigerator (the taking out the shelves kind of cleaning).. the next time this level comes around I will clean the carpets as the big project...

I work on a routine- 7 am- 5 pm Monday thru Friday. I try and accomplish 33 things a day (that is one thing every 20 minutes). I have a chart that I fill in each morning with what needs to be done at certain times, then what should be done gets filled in around that. Starting batches of soap goes on the list, working on the web site goes on the list, this blog goes on the list. Sometimes I get all the things done. often I don't, but at least I start the day with a goal in mind.

But so many things can interrupt a routine. For me it is having someone I live with (C or Dad) get home early or stay home later. I try and work around them as much as I can. I try not to be loud, to not wash soap molds while they are trying to use hot water to shower, to not make soap when they are home with a head cold. Sometimes it is a phone call that gets me all off my routine. Sometimes it is a headache, or even a vacation. I like to know my routine but to be flexible. To be able to go eat with friends if they call, to be able to take a long walk if it is nice out. If I wanted to be locked in a box all day, I would go back and work for corporate America.

In an odd way routines free me. I know not to worry about something (like the linen closet in the bathroom needs to be reorganized), because in just a few sort weeks it will come up in my list of things to do when I get to that level and it will be done, until then I can live two more weeks with towels falling out at me every time I open the door:)

Routines help me get back on track. Yesterday I had a bad headache and didn't get as much done as I wanted. Today I got up and started filling out my planner. I know what is important, and what can wait until tomorrow, and exactly how much I can hope to accomplish. The rest just has to wait- there just isn't enough time in the day to get it done. really. and I can see it on paper, and not stress about it.

Well, I think my 20 minutes are up.. on to the next thing to do for the day!

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