
The New Plan, Update #8, 9 & 10

Well, I did it.. two whole weeks of working out every day (except Tuesday that I made up for)...

I don't think I have lost any weight yet. I'll get on the Wii on Monday and see what it says. I am very much enjoying getting outside and walking. I also don;t mind so much getting on the exercise bike because it it not every day and that gets monotonous. I can certainly feel the difference the strength training is having, I can feel it getting easier- well not so much easier, just that I don't hurt as much the next day.

I have all of next week to keep with it and most of the week after before vacation. I think I will be running around a lot on vacation but I plan on bringing the routine with me and seeing what strength training I may be able to do on a hotel gym. Even some extra cardio won't kill me.

I am really quite proud of myself for staying on a routine. I have to admit that being up this early on a Saturday makes me want to go exercise, even though the weekends are off. I hope that maybe I can get C to go for a walk or bike ride soon too. I find the neighborhood quite enjoyable to walk around and get ideas for our house from and I bet he would too.

About a mile from my house is a wildlife sanctuary. I want to get so I can ride my bike there and back and walk around the sanctuary some. This probably won't be until I get my inventory done for the year and my days free up a bit. But it should happen in a month or two..

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