Monday Can you believe it, I was still sick. So I finally started taking the antibiotic. I swear I almost instantly started feeing better. I so should have ignored the doctor and started taking it last week when she gave me the prescription. It’s not like I get sick all that often. It’s been 10 years since the last time I was sick enough to go on an antibiotic. I’m not contributing to the “super bugs” evolving due to using so much antibiotics and antibacterial products. Next time I’ll know….
Tuesday I went to B’s. We had our first UWBW meeting for the year. It’s a name we have- it started with B & D and now is B & me- to refer to us meeting once every two weeks to talk about our businesses and make goals for both the year and the next two weeks. It keeps us on track to get things done (one of my goals was to get caught up on this blog), it gives us a chance to blow off some steam, and gives us an opportunity to exchange ideas for each other. It is sort of like having a mini board of directors, or maybe a VP of our business. Just something that seems so less alone than thinking about things ourselves or bugging our husbands to death with our thoughts.
Wednesday I really am starting feeling better by now. I started catching up on paperwork and things that I could do that didn’t have anything to do with actually making soap. I really needed to make a list of things to do and a schedule of what I wanted to get done first. So I started working on show applications, getting some things ordered, and getting some orders out finally. I tried to take it easy, because even though I was feeling better I was getting tired fast..
Thursday: I had a meeting at MLAC to discuss what we would and wouldn’t accept in the show anymore. How much of the product has to be made by the artist. Especially things like- if a clothing designer designs a piece, but has it made on the outside- is that a craft? But if it is then further embellished by the artisan, does that make it a craft? Or if you are a graphic artist and design a picture, and then have it printed on cards, does that count as a craft? But if each card is hand assembled by the artisan but the parts were printed outside the artisan’s shop, does that count. They were really hard questions and I am not sure how much of an answer we came to, but at least we tried and started to come up with guidelines for the show. After the meeting I did my typical stop at Trader Joes and picked up some frozen foods that I could get because it was so cold out and they wouldn’t have a problem with the long drive home.
Friday: Errand day- groceries, drycleaner, cleaning the house some, and resting. Still coughing a bunch but feeling 90% better.
Saturday & Sunday: It was our anniversary weekend. Saturday day we went to BJ’s- because it is just so romantic- actually we were just trying to beat the rush for the last of the Super Bowl shoppers. We also stopped at AC Moore and at Blinds to Go because we really need some new shades in the living room, the vertical blinds drive me crazy! Saturday night we went out to dinner with B & M at Paprika’s. C had that pork over French Fry dish I had the last time and I tried the fried meatballs. Awesome. Awesome dessert, great conversation. Just a good time. Sunday we got up to go to breakfast and ended up at Friendly’s because Bob Evan’s was packed. We then went home and read the paper together, hung out in the hot tub, took a nap,and just generally rested and relaxed and spent quiet time together. We went to dinner at a new place for us. It was good seafood, OK service because it was Super Bowl night (we might as well get over it and make it a national holiday), but not as great as our favorite place, which is remaining our favorite place for now. When we got home from dinner we caught the second half of the game and C did some work and I knitted. It was the perfect day.
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