
Christkindlmarkt 2011: Day 5

November 25, 2011

My father kicked my butt...in an 8 foot x 8 foot hut, nestled in the Sun Inn courtyard, at a brand new event, my father sold more than I did.

Now I had my best day so far at Christkindlmarkt, but by no means was it the Black Friday of yesteryear. The show seemed relatively full of customers, but I think it was more full of crafter drama than I ever remember it. They set up two artisans who do relative the same thing across from one another, almost immediately when you walk in the door. One told me that she was apologized to for the mistake, but I think a reimbursement is in order in some way for the lost revenue and the grief of having a competitor right at your door.

It rained again during the off days, so at least half the artists and have soaking wet rugs again. There is only so much the shop vac can dry out when the macadam underneath is wet.

I am tired of all the drama, I hide in my booth and people still come to me to complain because they have time to wander around outside their booths. I just want to come to work, put my head down, sell soap, and go home to my family and friends.

My only real complaint this year is the food. I don't know if it is the wind, or the placement of the heater unit intake, or what, but this is the only year I have ever had the heavy smell of grease in my booth. It is sad when a 10 foot by 15 foot booth is full of soap and customers comment on the grease smell. I am farther away from them than I have been in the past, so it has to be something about the new set up. But I barely ate all day because I found the smell overwhelming. I give thanks to the fact I am not across from them.

OK... my goal for tomorrow is to find a list of ten positive things about the move and new set up. It is too easy to dwell on the negative, and you get back from the universe what you put out into the universe, so from right now I am focusing on the positive and changing my attitude!!!

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