Day -1.... First day of set up for the show. Kinda hard to get used to the new set up and most people were having the same problem as me. In theory I am in the same place, next to Barry G. and right near the end of the food vendors, but since the food vendors have moved and so has the food court and entertainment, I am not really in the same spot. Also, the entrance has moved so that will impact the flow of people too. There isn't any real way to know what is going to happen till this place fills with people, and that may not happen until week three if we go by last years peak attendance days.
Overall I am not greeting a good vibe, people don't like change and it will be interesting to see what those changes bring.
As for the set up it went well. C did all the electric for me and we got all the displays up and all the inventory unloaded into the booth. We made a list of things to bring the next day and headed home. It took about five hours to accomplish all that.
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