
Christkindlmarkt 2011: Day 2

Day 2 Friday November 18.

Well my day could have started out better. After having a conversation with a few colleagues I realized I had been overcharged for my booth space. Great.. Now I have that to deal with that as well. Gotta figure out who the right person to talk to about that is. At least I will get a reimbursement which is never a bad thing. I found the right person, gave them my paperwork and receipt copy, so things should be all straightened out in a few days. Turns out it was just a few hours and all is right with the payment situation. Bravo on the quick fix!

I tried bringing in a lamp to use in a dark space... Didn't work, the light was great but it hid my wreath. I ended up using my clip light from my work space so now I feel like I am sitting in the dark... If we don't get customers I am going to find it hard not to take a nap. But in fact, the sunshine brightens up my booth quite a bit during the afternoon. So much in fact that the spot in the tent that is not tightly secured sends a beam of light onto the curtain between me and my neighbor, I am tacking it as it moves across my booth space and acts as a defacto sun dial. It will be a fun way to keep tract of time in the days to come.

Sales were slower even than Thursday which really surprised me. I expected people to come out after work. I can't judge till after this weekend but for me sales have been a bust, haven't even made my booth fee back yet. I know I gambled on this weekend and hoped that the pros would outweigh the cons. I loved the idea of not setting up on Thanksgiving was my main motivation for trying this out, but I certainly don't like the idea f going into this season with a loss.

So if you have been thinking of going---- go--- come out and shop-----there is cool stuff, cool people, and no lines. It's awesome!

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

i REALLY wish i could go!!! i'm with you in spirit
i hope it all pans out for you - i hope you have a lot of friendly customers and that you can chat, sell, have a good time of it