
Christkindlmarkt 2011: Day -0 (setup day 2)

Day 0: second day of set up. Arrived about ten am and was very happy that the bulk of everything had been brought in the day before, it was raining and soon began to downpour. By noon, I was questioning who designed the tent position, layout, and parking lot design. Obviously there was a communication break down somewhere. Because the rain flowed like a stream through the tent to the drain, located at the center of the tent. I am happy that the parking lot drainage system works well, but the tent and booth location in relation to said drain leaves much to be desired. Before the sump pumps were brought in and turned on, there was enough flowing water that I contemplated handing out rubber duckies to the vendors so we could all play in the water as many waited to be able to even begin their installation.

My rug is soaked and I had to get wood to boost up a few displays out of the stream in my booth, but I avoided the bulk of the water, some had a few inches before the pumps were turned on. Nothing better than starting a show with a soaking wet rug...

I got all of my inventory where I wanted it, a few little things figured out, all my wrapping area set, cash register ready, and I feel pretty good. I think there is a spot that needs more light, but that means I need to bring the ladder back and refocus a few lights. I might need one more lamp, but I am hoping to avoid that if possible.

By four I was ready to cover up everything and leave. Just a small list of things to bring for the next day and a few things to do at the house in the morning and I am set.

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