
Folk Fest & Mulhenberg all done!

I hate to say it but I think Mulhenberg is a dying show. There are fewer and fewer crafters each year and fewer and fewer sales each year. It is a cycle that just seems to keep going on a downward spiral. This year there wasn't enough vendors to fill the three tents so the center spots were completely empty in the center. Sales were sluggish on all the days except the first day, and overall didn't amount to much. Depending on what other shows I am accepted to next year there is a good chance that this one will fall off my show schedule.

Folk Fest was a solid show this year. It rained on Sunday and the sucesss of the show is very dependant on the weather that last day. People tend to camp and buy on the last day before leaving and when it rains, people just run fo rcover rather than going shopping first. But, it is one of my favorite shows to particiapte in, the promoters are wonderful, the custumers are wonderful, and I am very lucky to have this show so close to home. Would I travel for it?? Probably not, but to be able to sleep in my own bed, eat my own food, I am happy to be a part of the show :)

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