

Today's paper has reported that it is unlikely that Mayfair Festival of the Arts will take place in '06. Why is it as soon as I'm accepted to a show and sell well, its cancelled? But seriously, this festival has been one of the only "fine art and craft" shows in the area that consistently has great quality vendors and that treats its vendors fairly well. Now I have to scramble and look for a show over Memorial Day weekend and hope to heck the application dates haven't past already. I bet this puts lots of the vendors in a tight situation, and I can't imagine the ones from out of town- they have no idea, I know this article isn't carried in any other paper. I'll have at least a week or two head start on looking for another show over the vendors from out of town before Mayfair sends out any official notification of the cancellation, if they ever do. Read the article here My post about the show in May

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