
Week of March 19-25, 2012

So it has been a busy week here at home and in the workshop. Tuesday we vended at Muhlenberg College and as usual it was both fun and profitable. It has been just about one yearn now since we started and we really are seeing the same faces each month (as well as some new ones) and making lots of friends. It has been great as I have gotten to make a few special orders for students as well. It is a very invigorating day because I can just watch and see what is trendy and get inspired by my day.

Our new cat has suffered a name change again. it is still Theodore Harold but instead of the Houdini it is now Edward... Why.. well, first, he has stopped hiding and escaping from everything and now he is officially T.H.E. Cat. Which dad says was the name of a show about a retired cat burglar in the late 60's. I am going to have to IMDB that one sometime and see if I can Netflix it.

We made soap every day and are only a few weeks away from being up to our desired starting inventory. I re-designed lip balm and soap bag labels, and the lotion bars are next on my list. We got fizzys made as well. So we are in good shape. I am confident that we will start the busy season in good shape.

I am also scheduling a soap making demo and hands on fizzy making day for a local home-school group. I have done this for Girl Scouts, a Montessori School, and for other customers in the past, so let me know if you have a group that would be interested in a demo as well.

I have been keeping on my exercise and diet pretty well. Last week was a no loss/no gain week, but I am now on Week 3 of my 5K training program and am running 15 of 33 minutes (in intervals) so I am feeling good.

I am setting up the photo booth for my products and I should be getting some pretty good photos taken and posted in the next few weeks. It has taken me a bit to learn the new camera and figure out what look I like, but it is all coming together and soon we should be able to see the rewards.

Oh and in case you haven't noticed, I changed the blog.. kinda by accident. I was exploring templates and forgot to back up my old one.. so poof.. it was gone. I still have some things to tweak on this one but it is much easier to manage and I think easier to read as well. So for now this is it until I can hire a blog designer...or do it myself...

That's it! See you next week! I will be able to update and tell you all about our first day vending at Kutztown U. We are very excited about it!!!

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

i like the new look.
how neat that you're doing those workshops for different groups. i fi were near 1. i'd be a super loyal customer - i love your products and 2. i'd so host a workshop group!
wtg on your healthy endeavors!