
October 15th 2011 White Horse Farm

This is the most beautiful place to have an event. The farm is wonderful, the alpacas and goats are adorable, and the food is beyond excellent The barn we vend in is clean, dry, spacious, well lighted, easy to get in and out of. The day was super windy so I was glad that I decided to vend inside and pay the extra money than vend outside. I think we would have had to leave, it was too much for me to handle out there.

Now for the cons. There were almost double the amount of vendors this year and I made half the amount of money as I did last year, and they did not double attendance from last year. See the math problem here? I have this theory that since the economy is soft right now, people are coming to events with a stricter budget to adhere to. This means that they hope to spend this year what they spent last year (or maybe even less) and adding so many new vendors dilutes that money over more people. The only way to keep that from happening as much is to drastically increase the number of people attending. So in this case, what was a pretty good event for just a few vendors ended up being a mediocre (or worse) event for many vendors.

I love the day, I love the event, I love the people. But it is over an hour away from home and takes up quite a bit of gas and tolls to get there. I have to admit, I doubt we will be back next year as vendors. I will go and see the alpacas, have lunch and shop, but won't have a booth there.

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