
I had a dream about this blog post title- this isn't it

The change of seasons changes me. I start to have extremely vivid, very odd dreams. Often I can tell that I was influenced by something on the TV, or in a book, or by some fear. But sometimes they came out of nowhere. Last night was not one of those nights. I had my first dream about Christkindlmarkt for the season. In this dream the booth next to me was setting up with lotions and liquid soaps, all in these huge five gallon pump containers and you would go in and buy your stuff by the squirt. The booth was huge, at least 20 feet long, and full, I mean full, of people to help you. I was frantic because I was trying to get set up and they kept interrupting me asking me questions about set up, and I was all worried about manning the booth alone. I was trying to hang up signs explaining that my products have no dyes or preservatives and that I use my own recipes, in order to try to compete with the booth next door. All the while I was so hurt that they would put such competition right next to me. I literally woke up shaking. But it is October, and that is my last big show for the year and it is on my mind already, so I doubt this will be the last of the creepy dreams.

Getting more storage space soon.. I have an oil tank in my workshop that hasn't been used in a while. It is being drained and removed in the next few weeks so I will have lots more room for storage and shelves. I can't wait!!! I don't know if I am going to use the space for sachets, or for shipping supplies, or both, or for something else. More space means I can start to make some new products I have been thinking about because now I will have a place to put them!

What to do in Denver in October?? C and I get to go to Denver at the end of the month. The hotel stay was a gift and we have enough air miles for the flight and car rental. Now we just need things to do... any suggestions???.. let me clarify-- any non skiing, snowboarding, or general winter sports suggestions??

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

i've been having bad dreams too lately
didnt relate it to the hange in season.
hope your sleep calms soon