
Why was I half naked at 2 am?? Not why you may think...

So last night around 9 pm I was exhausted. I had made 200 bars of soap that morning, did lots of research into health insurance and retirement plans for my dad (always such a fun thing to research), mailed out an order, went to the grocery store, labeled lotion bars, made up four gift baskets, did laundry, and started my taxes. I was mentally tired. So I went to bed. First I tried to watch some TV and realized that RuPaul's Drag Race was more interesting than this season's American Idol. So much for brain numbing entertainment.. on to Discovery channel.. boring... Animal Planet was about a bear attack, and NatGeo was telling and showing me about a child in (I think) China with a huge facial deformity (too depressing). So I tried the PBS channel. Not riveting entertainment, but not depressing.. so I set the TV to turn off in 30 minutes and tried to relax..

30 minutes later the TV turned off and I was wide awake. I tried counting backwards, forwards, and even reciting my abc's. Now it is 10, and I get up and check my email, bounce into Ravelry, and play a few games of cards. Back to bed...There I play solitaire on my cell phone and finally decide that something needs to be done. So I take a sleeping aid. It is 11 pm, I am expecting to be awake around 7am, with a huge void of time, no bathroom breaks, and no real dreams to remember either.

Instead I am yanked out of this sound sleep at 2 am by the cat.. who has decided to puke..on the bed..and more decidedly ON ME!! WTF???

I spring up, toss the cat onto the floor and take off my PJ top cuz it is pretty gross at this point. I take the comforter off the bed and put it in the corner of the room to be looked at better in the morning- can I wash it or does it need to be dry cleaned? The top sheet goes into the laundry basket, and upon inspection the bottom sheet is clean...

So I wander to the hallway closet for some new blankets. Have I mentioned we are remodeling our bathroom? Well, the pile of crap from the bathroom makes it almost impossible for me to open the closet door. I can open it enough to pull out two light blankets but not the extra comforter. I am still in a sleeping pill induced fog, and as I look back, I am amazed I just didn't get up and sleep the rest of the night in the spare bedroom, would have been a better choice...

Back to the bedroom with the two blankets. Put on a new PJ top- long sleeved because now I am cold, and flannel PJ bottoms. Curl up and go back to sleep..

Only to be awoken at 5 am by the same cat, on the same bed..this time disaster was averted due to a quick swipe of my feet sending her to the floor to make a mess.

So much for my sound sleep. And if you were driving around Emmaus at 2 am and saw some woman stumbling around her house without a shirt on.. well that may have been me..I realized this morning that some of the blinds were open...great....

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