
Rain, Rain, Go Away....

Well, with the 90% chance of rain and possible thunderstorms predicted for tomorrow, we won't be at the Bloomsburg Renaissance Jamboree. The high humidity is attracted to the glycerin in the soaps and they get slippery. This means I have to dry them out after wet shows, and with the move, there just isn't time, or room, to do that. This usually produces lower sales, because who wants to buy slickery soap, so add that with a hotel bill for the night and .. well… its probably better to just stay home. I should also mention that I dropped a table leg on my foot the other day (screw side down) and I'm still limping. If I knew for sure it was going to be a profitable day, I'd play through the pain, but to sit in the rain in pain (in Spain??), not this chickie-poo.

This is a big bummer because this is one of my favorite shows of the year. When it's not raining, the crowds are great, we get to see many of our friends for the first time in months, and the food is pretty good too.

I think we'll get to drop of stuff off at the new house tomorrow and finish packing. So this rain does have an up side. The first things to be delivered!!! Tuesday the movers come for all the big stuff. Man is my foot glad we hired movers!

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