
February 24-March 1, 2008

I haven’t been this productive in a while. Between moving the computer out of my direct line of sight (therefore removing my desire to check my e-mail and Ravelry 100 times a day), and learning that I can boost my production by one batch a day (it is amazing the difference, new hot crack pots can make), I got a ton done. This as usual is just in time for life to stick out its foot and trip me up again. Oh well, at least it was one productive week.

Sunday: Ikea, Trader Joes, work on office move more and watch the race- which got delayed till Monday.

Monday: Lots of soap making! Almost done with the patchouli (yeah!!). Also did a bunch of laundry. I started making some glycerin soap- I had a bunch left over in a box and it’s time to get rid of it. Paid some show fees, caught up on some sales tax and that kind of administrative stuff.

Tuesday: more soap! Ocean tides, plus bills and cleaning the house some.

Wednesday: Lavender soap (not my favorite to make)

Thursday: basic soap, class with the kids (lip gloss and bath salts) and had a terrible migraine. Really need to get my eyes checked.

Friday: Updated my calendar, pics for Ravelry, posted some stuff for sale to a few soap newsgroups, meeting with B. Went to Ollies for some way cool, cheap yarn…

Saturday: Blocked knitting, went to Target, CVS, Joanne Fabrics, and lunch with C. Knit some, and went through boxes of artwork we have to figure what to keep, what to toss, and what to sell, as well as what to hang on the walls.

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