
March 2- March 8 2008

Sometimes when something terrible happens it doesn’t just show you what others mean to you, but what you mean to others. This week I had the unfortunate chance to help friends after a death in their family. I have always felt close with these two people, but they allowed me to help them in ways that showed me that just maybe I mean as much to them as they mean to me. You could say that I am making this “all about me” but really the week was “all about them” and not only what I could offer them, and what I could do, but what they felt comfortable enough to let me do and to trust me to do. It goes without saying that people, friends, like this are few and far between and I consider myself very lucky to have them, and after this week, I appreciate them even more. For some it is hard to ask for help, and I am honored that I was asked.

Sunday I downloaded books for dad from his Audible account, knit, helped C put up pictures and artwork, and we had dinner with B & M.

Monday I mailed out boxes, sent out taxes, and did housework

Tuesday I answered emails, helped B & M and worked on some orders

Wednesday I mailed out the orders, made soap, wrote and e-mailed the newsletter and printed it out so I could get it mailed

Thursday I made lists of things I need to buy ASAP, and made soap

Friday I did the usual errands (grocery, post office, etc) I also placed an order for some stuff for my garden, and went and got some crafty supply stuff. I also cleaned my van out and knit.

Saturday I went and did a craft show with B while M borrowed my van for the day to do some things he needed to get done. It was sort of odd to be at a show and not be selling soap, it certainly is a different experience.

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