
Week 1 Accomplishments

Well here is a few things that have been accompished here during the first week of 2005:

1) 2005 Catalog: Its been revamped, updated, and is in the final stages of being checked for correct spelling and grammar.
New Additions for 2005: Just Plain Raspberry Soap, Black Cherry Oatmeal Soap
Discontinued Fragrances: Black Currant, Victorian Violets

2) Blue Glitter Gel: 100 Gels have been made and bottled, just need to be labeled
Note: Glitter Gel has been discontinued in 2005. This means what is made will be sold, and once it's gone, its gone.

3) 2005 Fragrances of the Month have been chosen
January: Goats's Milk Rose
Feburary: Figment (Fig)
March: Almondine (Almond)
April: Dutch Chocolate
May: Gardenia
June: Ginger-Lime
July: Pink Lilac
August: Pomegranite
September: Bella Honeysuckle
October: Halakahiki (Pineapple)
November: Jasmine
December: Coconut

4) Made some soap: Goats' Milk Rose and Rejuvenation (pictures will be posted shortly)

5) Bath Fizzy's Made: About 400 fizzys ready for packaging and labeling (pictures to come)

6) 100 lbs of beeswax clarified. Since the blocks of beeswax I get from a local apiary are anywhere fron 2-10 lbs each, I need to remelt the wax and pop it into molds that make it more manageable to store and weigh for use. 7 days= 100 lbs.

7) New Inventory System. Updated to include mail orders, and consignment stores. I will have a much more accurate view of what is out there and what is in here.

Well on top of getting all that done (with some help thanks to C & J) I started school (Organazational Psyc and Microsoft Word) and even got some of the housework done!

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