
So nervous at new shows

I get so nervous when it comes to doing a new show, and the bigger the new show the more nervous I become. This year is my first year at PA Farm show and I haven't slept right in a week, have had countless nightmares, and generally feel like I want to vomit most of the day.

The nighmares are like the ones whee you have shown up for a text but haven't studied. I can't find my booth, I have been put across from the humongous booth of another soaper, I don't have my credit card machine, I lost my voice, I didn't pack clothes, you name it and I an have a nightmare about it.

This show is weird for me too because I am staying there. I usually come home each night and can get inventory, and anything I have forgotten, but this show is just a little bit farther away than usual, and the long hours and unknown weather mean I stay the week in a hotel. The good thing is that it isn't too far. C is coming out Friday, Saturday, and Sunday and then will be back again Wednesday or Thursday with any inventory I need for the last weekend. He can always go back and forth if he needs to for me. But I only want that to happen if I have been having a really good show, I don't want him to have to drive back home for something I have forgotten or messed up on.

So I have lots of lists. Lists of inventory, of paperwork, of food to pack, clothes, displays; everything I have been able to think I may need is written down somewhere. Because on top of having to remember all my inventory and displays, having to guess how much inventory I need for the first half of the event, I need to pack food and clothes. I have to pack food because I am severely gluten intolerant and pretty much can't eat anything at the event. I can't take the chance of getting sick during a 12 hour day that I may be alone much of, the pottys aren't that close to my booth.

But I also have to pack things to do if the show is slow. I can't just stand there idle for 96 hours either. So I am bringing things to label and things to knit. I need 190 face scrubbers for 2016, I should be able to finish one an hour even if things are busy, so I brought enough yarn for 96 of them. If things are slow, C may need to bring out more yarn the second weekend. But if it is that slow, I will just be crying myself to sleep at night and won't be in the mood to knit the second weekend.

It always worries me when I get accepted to something big where there isn't another soapmaker. Why isn't there. Has someone tried it and it sucked? Is it just a huge long show in the middle of winter and I am the only one crazy enough to do it? Long shows like this and Musikfest do take a "special kind of stupid" to do. You need to be ready for them and you need to be mentally prepared, as well as have inventory, and have a great safety net of family and friends to get you through.

Ok enough! I need to stop stewing and just go pack. I go and set up tomorrow and today is the day to load it all in the cars and be sure that I have everything. OMG I can't believe I am really doing this.

Just breathe...10 more days and it will be over and home and put away. 10 more days and I'll get a good night's sleep.

1 comment:

BecomingJoyful said...

I am so glad that you put up with the night-mares and came to the Farm show this year (2016), otherwise, we would not have met with you. (I was the one who spoke to you about my homemade deodorant.) My husband and children love your soaps!!! (I personally use a mixture of bkg soda, mag oil, boron, and essential oils for myself in a liquid form, but love the scent of your soaps.) The rejuvenation soap scent is mesmerizing. The Soap net we bought is wonderful...all the bits and pieces go into it, so the soap gets use up completely! It was well worth its price. I am hoping to place an order with you soon. I was looking on your site and clicked into your blog. Viewing your post, I just had to comment. Many blessings to you and your family!! Feel free to use any of my above comments for your product review.