

I am a horrible procrastinator. I really am. Every morning I start my day with "the list" of things to do that day. In theory this list is the 13 most important things I need to accomplish before I go to bed. It could be anything from making that batch of soap to paying taxes to making sure dinner makes it into the crock pot. But on any given day at least 2 things go undone.

As new things to do come to light, I typically put them onto the next day's list (or the day after) unless it is something that I just MUST take care of right then and there. These "little fires" as I like to call them are things that are just burning to be taken care of and if I don't deal with them right that second they could engulf me later on. These little things often add up to enough time or energy that I have to bump a few things from today onto tomorrow and then so down the line.My problem is that I like to use these little fires as an excuse to not accomplish something on my list. Typically it is something I don't like to do or don't want to do. I hate returning phone calls, it is a odd anxiety I harbor and will do anything to avoid, even though I haven't had anyone yet be mad at me for calling them back in a timely manner.

Typically on any Monday I am full up until Wednesday and starting on Thursday's list already. I try and put on some things I don't like to do. (writing this blog is actually one of them). Why do I do it then? because I think it is a good way to get out into the air some of the things that go on behind the scenes, I think it will be cool to look back on when I am 80 and see what was going through my brain back in the day, and I think it is a good way for me to work through some of my own issues, fears, and thoughts by putting them down on paper and sharing them with you. But it can be hard and time consuming and there are weeks I can't think of anything to write about so it just keeps getting pushed down the days until I just need to sit and so it because I am sick of looking at it on the page.

So here I am a great procrastinator. I get things done, often just not what I meant to do when I woke up that day. I have lists and lists. Daily lists, long term lists, and sometimes I actually accomplish things that matter. Typically I just get them done to get them off my list, the great motivator.

So it is time for me to go on to the next thing on my list for today. I hope I can accomplish them all without putting something off for tomorrow. Maybe that just be the first thing on my to do list: "Do it all".

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