
A Week Off, now I need a real vacation!

So I officially need a vacation to get over my vacation. Typically when we go and take time off, we just vegetate and relax, this time we had the opportunity to see things we hadn't seen before so every day was another excursion, both tiring on the mind and the body.

C and I, with two friends, took a cruise that brought us through Spain, Monaco, Italy, and Tunisia. It was amazing to see the "old world" and to see the architecture. The things that the human race could build hundreds of years ago is an utterly amazing sight to see. The fact that these things still remain is even more amazing to me, not so much because they were built to stand the test of time, but because I think humanity is overall pretty focused on the moment, so the fact we have saved these things and not torn them down is the amazing part.

It was rushed, many times we had just a walking tour and time for lunch in a location before heading off to the next one. I didn't have much time to really soak in the sights and the sounds of each place. All I know is that I would love to go back to Barcelona, and maybe some parts of Italy.

But these are the things that I learned:

1) I know Monaco is the playground for the rich. It was beautiful, but I didn't find it so special. Maybe I am not rich enough to "get" it.

2) St. Peter's Basilica is an amazing piece of architecture and should be seen regardless of your religion. The fact that they have to post signs with a dress code (no shorts, bare mid-drifts, or bare shoulders) makes me loose my faith in humanity, so did the barriers to keep people from damaging things (like playing in the confession boxes).

3) Just because they are European and dressed nice, do not assume they will be a gentleman. Jerks are universal.

4) I was so happy to return to our green landscape where there is so much space between us. Barcelona and Palermo seemed like walls of buildings when overlooking the cities. So very little green space, so many people.

5) If you can wing it in Tunisia you can wing it just about anywhere.

6) Refrigerator magnets are deceptively heavy. Buy enough of them and your bag will get heavy fast.

7) Try on everything before you pack it. Nothing like finding out the new pair of jeans you packed don't fit and you just dragged them halfway around the world. and back.

8) A carriage ride through Florence really is the way to go.

9) Do not bring a lace weight yarn project on the trip. You will mess up. You will pull it all out. You will do this three or four times. Think brainless and big (yarn and needles).

10) I expected more fragrance inspiration. I think of Europe as the home of great perfumes. The only handcrafted soap I saw was in Tunisia, and it wasn't scented with anything I could recognize.

And now I am back in the real world. There is lots of catching up to do. I have orders to send, inventory to deliver, shows to apply to and lots of laundry!

Hope to see you soon!

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