
Its Monday

Ok, so i turned off the auto correct on the ipad because it chooses some weird options. So just be patient...

I woke up sore from walking/running yesterday. Just sore enough to skip today but not sore enough to make me uncomfortable all day. So instead i worked this morning a bit. I ordered some fragrances, added some emails to the newsletter database, and generally streamlined my list of things to do.

The rest of the day was spent with family. C's dad has been ill, so we visited in the hospital. Looks like he will be home soon so tomorrow we are going to start getting the house ready for his return.

Tomorrow I hope to finish the newsletter database and start the newsletter as well as knit some more. I finished two washcloths and a hat so far. I will run again tomorrow at least a little and i want to cook some too.

Time for a snack and some more knitting!

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