
July 31, 2008- Musikfest Day 0- Set up

Well, although I tried, I failed and I caught a cold right before this things starts. I like to blame others in these instances, so I would like to think C brought it home with him from his last business trip, or that K sent it from Sweden on some tainted stitch markers she sent me…but it is something going around- C has it, S has it, I have it, and it seems to know little geographic limits, as my friends tell me a similar bug has invaded Alaska and Sweden as well.

So set up was a little challenging. I learned that when your nose is stuffed, your throat hurts and it is 90+ degrees outside, getting excited and talking fast makes you feel faint…

K came over in the morning to help. We packed up the van with the tent and the first load of stuff and we headed over to the site. It was easy to set up, there was barely anyone there but us. We took a few breaks letting the cool water of the stream cool our feet. Once the van was empty we headed back to the house and packed the second load. Then it was lunch time with a long break for me to recuperate, and some house cleaning up before S got here to say with us for the week. In the afternoon we went back, and finished set up- the soap got put out, I installed the electricity, and it was finished…

S followed me home and we chatted, showered, and went to dinner when C arrived. I slowly lost my voice and thought it would be back in the morning...

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