
Week 9 Accomplishments

Well I did get quite a bit done this week. I did realize that I am sort of between a rock and a hard place, if I order all the supplies I need, and find a house, I may need to move everything, but if I don't buy and make, I can't sell. Sticky situation....

I applied to and got accepted to a great little wholesale show up in Saratoga Springs, NY. The beautiful thing is that the jury actually sends you comments about your products. I was thinking about changing my packaging because of a conversation with another soap maker, but all three judges commented on how much they liked the packaging. They also let me in even through there are two other soap makers, so I guess I am different enough to stand out in a crowd. No I have a ton of muslin bags that need a home! LOL! I need to think things through better sometimes.

I also called about and we went looking at houses- but that's already another post

Well this week I:

1) Made 6 (16 lb each) batches of basic soap

2) Made fragranced soap: Almondine, Dutch Chocolate, and Just Plain Raspberry

3) Sent out a bizillion show applications- just watching that bank account dwindle....

4) Restocked two stores: Out of Our Hands & Bear Necessities- had to get everything packaged and labeled and delivered

5) Packaged and labeled stuff for an upcomming show: Holiday Craft Boutique: all ready for drop off two weeks early, amazing!

Next week I should accomplish a ton. I have finished a bunch of my homework early and plan on doing the rest tomorrow. No stopping me!

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